Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Friday, 11 December 2009


Hi this video is released by Intel corporation how the chip process going. It has the written document also, you find it on Intel web site

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


HI Everyone ,

I thought many people thinking, what is the meaning of Google?

I am here mentioning the meaning for this, if it is wrong just inform me.

GOOGLE - devide the word in to two parts GO and OGLE

GO - means Go

OGLE - means To stare at (to look at some one) impertinently, flirtatiously, or amorously

Amorously - means strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.

So, all together

GOOGLE = go and look at with strongly attracted love or (sexual desire)

And one more thing do you the moto of Google?

combined and put all things together or in one place

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Making auto CD Eject and Insert batch script in Windows

Hi every body I come back with one new script that inspired by this video and scripting.

and I tried to do this in windows with batch script. The problem in windows is no Dos command for ejecting the CD drive. For this I used the commands and software from here, the first method.

and I add the loop condition for this, that's it...

the batch script is here

@echo off

cd \
eject E: (Ejecting the CD drive, the path of CD drive "E" here )
eject E: /l (Inserting the CD drive)

goto begin

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Autorotate and renaming the files as for date with batch script and vbscript (logrotate)

It explained to write the script for rotate the log files and delete files older 30 days. these scripts taken from other people sites and modified for this convenience.
For this script you need FDATE program to mention the date format to insert in to the file name.
and here used the VB script to compare dates, creation and today date and deleting. So many people written the batch script for this with environment variables in DOS. I thought that script is very long and little bit confusing.

Here is the batch script for rename the log files

@echo off
Rem the below line come in to the "c:\>" this file kept in C drive
rem stoping the rsync service
Net stop rsyncd

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=/\-." %%f in ('FDATE /Ff /Occyymmdd') do REN c:\rsync\rsyncd.log %%f%%g.log
gzip -9 c:\rsync\*.*


Net start rsyncd


Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Autorotate and renaming the files as for date with Power shell (logrotate)

Hi all, I am not good in scripting. My manager asked me to write the script on windows server to rename the log files as the date and compress them with gzip and delete the files 30 days old from server. The below script in power shell
#logrotate script

$k = get-childitem #Here you can mention the directory path which one the files contain

foreach ($m in $k) #mentioning the value for each item in the directory with 'k'
$n = (get-date -uformat "%d%m%y") #selecting the format of the date to add to the file name
$newname = "$n.log" #making the new name format
rename-item $m $newname #making rename here

gzip -9 # here gzip the file

$a = get-childitem #here we starting the date comparison for creation date and today date
foreach ($x in $a)
{$y = ((get-date) - $x.CreationTime) # date difference is here
if ($y -gt 30 -and $x.PSISContainer -ne $True) # here we checking whether is it file or Directory

{$x.Delete() # deleting old file here from directory

The above script can change for your flexibility, for moving the files from one directory to other and stop the services before before you rename and other things.
you can do the services like rsync start and stop.
here is the one example for those things. The below one stop the rsync service and rename the log files of rsync and gzip the file and delete the older than 30 days.

#logrotate script
Net stop rsyncd

$k = get-childitem c:\temp\r*.log
foreach ($m in $k)
$n = (get-date -uformat "%d%m%y")
$newname = "$n.log"
rename-item $m $newname

gzip -9 c:\cygwin\var\log\r*.log

$a = get-childitem c:\temp\*.gz
foreach ($x in $a)
{$y = ((get-date) - $x.CreationTime).days
if ($y -gt 30 -and $x.PSISContainer -ne $True)

Net start rsyncd